Puffin Postcards From Lunga...
They are often nicknamed 'sea parrots' and their chicks are known as pufflings- I mean PUFFLINGS!, I couldn't have invented a cuter name if I'd tried!!
I spent an hour or so with the puffin colony on the Isle of Tiree in July and it was a wonderful experience. These little birds are so comical and yet so trusting, as you are able to get quite close as long as you move slowly and quietly, remaining respectful of the puffin's personal space.
Getting up close and personal with puffins is a surprisingly accessible experience- there are locations all over the UK where puffin colonies breed in the summer months- a lot of these island puffin-communities are reachable by boat, on organised tours. If you are at all passionate about birdlife or wildlife photography this is a great means for you to test out your camera skills and I'd really reccomend it.
Here's the round-up of where to find puffins in the UK..
The Farne Islands: Northumberland
Skomer: Wales
Isle of May: near Fife
South Stack Cliffs-RSPB: Anglesey
Rathlin Island: County Antrim
Hermaness and Sumburgh Head: Shetland
Isle of Lunga: near Isle of Mull (*My top recommendation*)