Doorstep Adventures: Marden Meadow
Sometimes the best adventures are right under our noses.
One major positive that’s come out of the lock down has been that I’ve been forced to explore areas closer to home and make the most of the Kent countryside right on our doorstep. Yesterday, I set off with my mum and our dog, Peppy on a walking adventure- we planned to follow the Greensand Way for as far as we could.
Setting off from our house near Coxheath, we walked for 21km, passing through orchards, sheep fields and along winding country lanes, occasionally stealing shade under the wide canopy of horse chestnut trees. It was a very hot day - a few times we lost the footpath, then reconnected to our intended route- we even had to overcome a few nuisance stiles which clearly weren’t designed with big dogs in mind. Eventually after hours of walking, we made it to Egerton Churchyard- a 13th Century village near Ashford.
Elated to have reached our goal destination, we collapsed in the churchyard, and enjoyed homemade scones and jam which we’d packed for the journey- sweet on victory we watched the sunlight grow mellow and play on the gravestones in the balmy evening air.
One place even closer to home is a wonderful little nature reserve managed by the Kent Wildlife Trust. Marden Meadow has precious wildflower habitat and a few ponds- in May the fields become awash with green-winged orchids, buttercups and bird’s foot trefoil. I’ve wanted to visit for years but have never been in the right place at the right time- there’s a surprisingly short window to see the orchids at their best as they don’t last that long. But finally last week, with lock down restrictions eased to allow travel I made a long overdue trip. I pottered down country lanes through Staplehurst and Marden for about 20 minutes in the car before arriving at the Reserve.
I didn’t see another soul as I wandered through the meadows, taking in the sea of purple and yellow at my feet- there aren’t many places like this left in Kent. Wildflower meadows are sadly some of the rarest habitats in the UK but they are so precious for supporting a diverse ecosystem including insects.
So if you do one thing during lock down, try and get out on your local patch- you might be surprised what you find close to home.
a bobbing sea of wildflowers in the breeze
Green Winged Orchid close up
Buttercup close up
Evening light at the meadow