

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in the outdoors-exploring beautiful places from gardens to secluded beaches both in the UK & abroad. Click on to explore more of my photo stories...

Exploring the Forests of Saxon Switzerland National Park

Exploring the Forests of Saxon Switzerland National Park

‘Waldeinsamkeit’ (Germany)

The special feeling of solitude when alone in the woods.

Language is a wonderful thing, especially when there are words that can pinpoint a very specific emotion or response to an experience.

Walking through the beech forests of East Germany, I certainly experienced a profound sense of peace. The rich colours of Autumn foliage still lingered on the forest floor, whilst the rocks and trees were dripping in moss and ferns.

Saxon Switzerland National Park
Saxon Switzerland National Park
Saxon Switzerland National Park
Saxon Switzerland National Park
Saxon Switzerland National Park
Finding & Photographing Fungi

Finding & Photographing Fungi

Winter Photography in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains

Winter Photography in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains