New creative inspiration: uncovering the beauty of rocks
Hmm, Geology. Surely, you've got to be a er unique type of person to have an obsession with rocks. I mean ecologists, zoologists, paleontologists, botanists: all the classic 'ists' seem like amazing, dream jobs- peeling back the layers of time to discover the world of the dinosaurs or studying the behaviour of primates in the jungles of Borneo. I've always been envious of the 'ist' scientists, who spend their days delving deep into the world's natural wonders through their research. However, the role of geologist had never really crossed my radar as a 'cool' job- I mean working with rocks-sedentary lumps of dull matter day in, day out seems like a profession for those with a shall we say acquired taste.
But, I've recently started to view rocks in a new light, and they are in fact quite remarkable. Maybe geologists are onto more of a good thing that I first thought. Stick with me here, I know you'll be having your doubts. When there are so many amazing animals, organisms and plants in the world, why would we take the time to spare a thought for rocks?
However, I was amazed to discover that we have some incredible rocks here in the UK, and especially up in Scotland where some types of rock such as gneiss date back millions of years-now that blows my mind!
On a photographic note, if you're bored of capturing the same shots of flowers or birds, crack out your macro lens or a standard lens and play about with getting some shots of patterns in the rocks- they can make for some great abstract compositions, especially when you find specimens with peculiar texture, colour and shape.
'islands in the stream'
The rocks found on the Isle of Tiree are up to 3000 million years old!
The Isle of Tiree is forged out of a hard rock-gneiss- (pronounced Nice!) which was formed deep in the earth's crust at intense, high temperature and pressure conditions.
The Lewisian gneiss found here is the oldest rock found in the UK and some of the oldest in the world-quite an impressive title..
the stark and sharp lines of Gneiss rock slabs
Exploring the rocky coves near Happy Valley Beach
The swirly-patterned rocks at the Maze Beach almost looked like they were melting into the sand.
Rocks pouring over the Maze beach